How hail affects crops


The harvest is one of the most important mechanisms of agriculture. As well as the key factor to consider in order to obtain quality products. That is why many of the tasks in the field are focused on the success of the harvest, and its protection. The susceptibility to different climatic factors can affect it to a great extent. The main factors to consider are humidity, frost and hail, which in general, together or separately. Can bring loss or damage to the harvest and with it to field workers.

Due to the adaptation mechanisms of crops to the environment, they are not equally sensitive to adverse climatic factors. Seasonal changes especially affect the temperate zone. Where cold and hail can be limiting factors for the production of a quality product. Although for some crops a low ambient temperature can be beneficial, in other cases a lower temperature can cause problems. The typical temperatures of these regions at the highest point of winter can reach -50°C, generating a series of inconveniences for production.

Among the main difficulties encountered is the destruction of plants in the initial stage of development. If the average temperature falls below 0°C during the course of a month or a week, frosts can occur and the destruction of some cultivars, especially the most sensitive ones. During the maturation of the harvest there may be late frosts that. Even though the fruits are ready, cause their loss and damage. Making it difficult to obtain a crop suitable for commercialization. Hail can also be a limiting factor, especially at ripening time, when the fruits are in full development. The shell of these breaks causing a considerable loss in the postharvest and its subsequent stages.

For this reason, crops susceptible to cold and hail must face a series of care and measures to reduce their effects, among them the following stand out:

• Early harvests, that is, the use of the harvest at its most optimal point before the seasonal changes begin.

• Use resistant cultivars. There are specific varieties with tissues that are resistant to low temperatures and frost.

• Use local coats. Especially during winter, the use of coatings on the soil surface can prevent the cold from damaging the vegetative organs.

• Use nets, by placing them the damage that hail can cause is considerably reduced.

• Use fertilizers and defoliants. It is about applying these products to get a temporary coat that protects the plant from low heat and solar radiation in specific stages.

A good management of these factors can be decisive for the success of the harvest and with it for the obtaining of quality products. This is especially decisive for agricultural producers, for whom productivity and obtaining a quality product are a priority. The measures taken to reduce the damage due to cold and hail vary according to the community, culture, transculturation and the type of crop, being these specific for each of these situations.

 Although climatic problems are increasingly arbitrary, with the climatic changes that affect the planet today. There are some measures to take to try to avoid the damage caused by cold and hail to the harvest. It is about adapting the cultivation systems to the specific situation and following the technical advice to avoid damage and achieve an optimal harvest.

Next we will name some vegetables that are affected by hail

Vegetables are an important component in the diet for a healthy life. Each of them provides different benefits, and one of them is to be especially resistant to the weather. While it is true that cold, rain, snow and hail can affect various crops, there are some vegetables that are especially resistant to these elements. This allows them to resist without suffering serious damage to their production, which is very useful for the farmer.

One of the most resistant types of vegetables to cold and hail are asparagus. This vegetable, with a strong flavor and a dense crown of green leaves, is capable of resisting cold and hail without suffering damage. This is due to its resistance to sudden changes in temperature and to microorganisms present in the air. For this reason its cultivation is common in areas with higher rainfall, mainly during winter.

Cabbages, such as Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale, are also vegetables that resist cold and hail well. Cabbages are excellent at withstanding low temperatures and unexpected rainfall. This is because the starch, a substance produced by their stems, gives them resistance to abrupt changes in air temperature, maintaining their nutritional qualities.

Pinacas are very robust vegetables that also resist well to cold and hail

Pinacas have a powerful presence in the fall season. Their resistance to cold is due to the flavonoids they produce, which provide them with protection against the weather. Their leaves also help them by withstanding winter weather and helping to keep moisture inside the stem.

Broccoli is another vegetable that stands out for being very resistant to cold and hail. This vegetable forms huge heads when it has developed successfully. These cabezones are riddled with cotyledons that retain a lot of water keeping the broccoli cool when there is frost. The high content of ascorbic acid also protects broccoli from the cold.

Also among the vegetables resistant to cold and hail are carrots

Unlike most vegetables, carrots withstand cold winter weather without serious damage. This is because they are rich in carotenoids, which protect them from hail. Also, the soil warms up faster due to its shiny leaves, helping carrots to thrive.

Potatoes are also vegetables that resist well to cold and hail. This vegetable has always been resistant, since time immemorial. This resistance is due to its excessive amount of starch, which helps it resist cold temperatures without freezing. In addition, its compact structure also works to protect them from hail and heavy rains present in winter.

Finally, another vegetable that is especially resistant to cold and hail are turnsips. This vegetable stores starch and sap inside its stems, being able to resist any sudden change in temperature. Turnips also have large, shiny leaves that help them resist hail while maintaining their quality and flavor.

In conclusion, there are several vegetables that are resistant to cold and hail. Farmers should always keep in mind that different types of vegetables have different weather resistant properties, some are more resistant than others. This helps them choose the best vegetable for their harvest, ensuring successful production for their crops.

How to protect your vegetables using the hails barrier net

Hail Netting: the best way to protect crops

Hail netting is an invaluable tool for farmers to protect their crops from hail damage. This mesh consists of a thin, but strong and resistant metal mesh, specifically designed to defend crops from hail. Hail netting not only protects the laborious efforts of farmers, but also improves the appearance of crops, increasing their quality and yield.

The damages caused by hail are varied. From simple blows to the fruits, to the complete destruction of crops, hail can cause serious havoc in the fields. This inclement weather can be very dangerous for farmers as it destroys all their efforts and prevents them from generating income. This means that the installation of this hail mesh has become a fundamental part of insuring your crops against catastrophic damage.

One of the benefits of hail netting is that it is strong, durable and able to withstand the impact of hailstones, reducing potential damage. This mesh is made from strong metal materials, such as steel, copper or aluminum wire, which are stretched over crops to prevent damage. This metallic net also helps to preserve the fruits, by preventing them from being hit directly by hail. This means that farmers get a healthier and better quality crop.

Hail netting is also an effective tool for avoiding the interior of fields

This means that farmers can preserve their crops by limiting the damage caused by hail. This is especially useful when it comes to large crops, since this mesh prevents them from shifting due to the strong gusts of wind that usually accompany hailstorms.

In addition, the hail mesh not only offers protection against dangerous hail, but also against insects and diseases. This mesh acts as a protective barrier, preventing the infestation of certain insects and the spread of viruses and bacteria. This tool is an invaluable aid to protect crops and avoid expensive treatments and chemical solutions that are sometimes necessary to combat the effects of insects and diseases.

To ensure proper hail net installation it is important that growers work with the right professionals. This means that farmers need to look to professionals who are experienced and knowledgeable about the mesh to ensure that the mesh is properly installed and maintained. This will ensure that the hail netting will serve as a protection tool for a long time.

In conclusion, the hail mesh is one of the most important tools when it comes to protecting crops from hail. This strong, durable and easy to install mesh is essential to ensure that farmers’ efforts are not affected by hail damage. In addition, the mesh is also effective in preventing insect and disease infestations, which means that farmers receive additional profit from making use of this tool.

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